photo collection
Collection A-:
- 6 professionally edited images
- Private link to choose the 6 imagesand download to your cell phone or computer
- 35 minute session
- DOES NOT include printing document
- Link to order your printed images (each size has a cost)
- A single place: to see the places and their respective hours, clickHERE
COST: $180 (reg. $280)
If the client is interested in the forest + the beach, there is an additional cost of $50 (the schedule is adjusted)
Collection B-:
- 10 professionally edited images
- Private link to choose the 10 imagesand download to your cell phone or computer
- 35 minute session
- DOES NOT include printing document
- Link to order your printed images (each size has a cost)
- A single place: to see the places and their respective hours, clickHERE
COST: $250 (reg. $350)
If the client is interested in the forest + the beach, there is an additional cost of $50 (the schedule is adjusted)
To separate space it is required to sign a contract and make the cost of $100 (non-refundable)
through ath mobile to the number 787-607-6814 or Paypal to the email / The day before the session it is settled.
NOTE: the session takes place in the year 2023
What to wear?
Here are some tips for putting together your outfits:
At the moment the photographer does not have costumes for rent, but she can use mamaenabril outfits. You can get it on your INSTAGRAM account.
Choose several complementary colors and stick with them. Pick a few of your shades that coordinate well together and stick with them. What are your family's favorite colors? and then decide which ones to use. Don't choose just one color for the family ensemble – multiple colors that are complementary will add dimension to your images.
Pick a pattern and go from there. Avoid dressing the whole family in patterns. A good idea is to choose an item, a dress for example, with a pattern that contains the colors you love. Then choose the colors of each item and what you would like the other members of the family to wear.
Get comfortable. Make sure everyone's clothing fits properly and is appropriate for the weather. If the weather is hot or cold during your shoot you are less likely to look happy and relaxed in your photos. This is especially true for children. If they feel good in their clothes, let it be noticed!
1- WOMEN'S CLOTHING:The client can use high shoes for her photo session (heels, platforms). But you must arrive in sandals and/or flip flops so that you can walk without difficulty and the photographer will let you know when you can put on your high heels.
The client must wear clothing according to the place she has chosen for her photo session. In the case of maternity, if the dress is open that will show the belly and has stretch marks or stains, you should consider using a dress that does not feel uncomfortable when wearing it.
2. FATHER AND CHILDREN CLOTHING:It is recommended that they go dressed in neutral colors (white, cream, black, brown) are colors that combine with any color of clothing that the entire family will wear. Colors that are solid. I do not recommend shirts that have STRIPES and/or SQUARES (images may be distorted).
Boys can go with long pants or jeans, long or short sleeved shirt. The girls can go in a suit or some clothing suitable for girls of their age.
3- MAKEUP and HAIRSTYLE:It is recommended that the client arrives already made up and combed for her photo session. This so as not to delay your established time, since there are other clients in shifts and we cannot exceed the time established in the offer you chose.
Makeup is already at the client's discretion, according to her projection and her taste. The hairstyle to suit the client.
a- Clients must bring extra clothes, as there are rocks and the photographer may ask them to sit on the rocks and/or play with the water in some shot. At the end of the session you can change into the extra clothes you brought (underwear).
b- Bring a towel and a gallon of water (sometimes they close the feathers in the spa, so you can clean your feet, etc.)
c- For girls and women - It is recommended that you wear BUCKLES in case the direction of the wind is against you, we can put buckles in your hair and it does not cover your face. There are clients who wear flower headbands, that is an excellent option to be able to hold their hair a bit (they are available at EXENTRIX, WALMART stores, among others.)
NOTE:there is sand and water; therefore they will be barefoot throughout the session.
As many know, the forest is one of my favorite places to carry out photo sessions. Preferably in women the ideal projection is elegant clothes, suits or wearing pants that are dressy. We can do jeans leave for a session that is outside the forest.
NOTE:Bring repellent (OFF) of your preference. The forest is also a mangrove and if the place is humid, you will feel the majes and/or mosquitoes.
Yeah:Buy clothes that fit your body. It can be tempting to buy kids one size larger so they have room to grow, but for photo shoots it's not the best idea. Avoid looking sloppy, wear clothes that fit you well.
Yeah:Start with one outfit, and then build the rest of the family clothing from there. It can be overwhelming trying to choose all the outfits at once, so start with one and go from there. Not everything has to be new, visit your closet first!
No:Wear neon colors. They do not photograph well and throw colors on the skin of those who wear them. Nobody wants a bright yellow face!
No:Combine! Mating is not the right thing, coordinating is the right thing. Remember, it doesn't have to match, it just has to BE. Outfits should complement each other, not mix with each other.
What to expect before and during the photo session?
Toddlers: It's so much fun photographing toddlers! Usually they are energetic and full of giggles if they are in a good mood. But like everyone, they can standgrumpy if they are hungry or tired. A great idea is to plan the time of your
session after your child's nap so they are fresh and ready. Bring cookies or fruit (que do not stain fingers or tongue) to help them stay still during feedings relatives.
If your child has a favorite toy or something that makes them laugh, please share that with me so that you can incorporate it behind the scenes to make the session fun for your child. Keep it light! Try not to scold the children during the photo session. This usually
it leads to them starting to cry, having tight smiles and stress for everyone.
Older children: If your child brings a device such as a phone or tablet to the session, it is a good idea to leave it in the car, as it can distract him. Allow them to participate in the election of your outfit so they feel comfortable in what they like.
Older children can sometimes have a hard time "chilling down" for the session, so it helps if they feel good in what they are wearing. Although we will take shots with poses, also I like to capture family dynamics so feel free to tickle, tease and be
funny with your older children. Try to make them laugh!
Kids of all ages can have messy faces or messy hair! He tries to check his children to make sure their faces and noses are free of any stuff. All photos will be professionally edited, but you will do my job a lot much easier if their faces and hands are clean.Bringing some wet wipes and a hairbrush is great for that last touch up.